Certified translations are subject to state regulations. Certified translation must first of all be true and accurate. The certified translator bears criminal responsibility for the correctness of his/her work. Certified translations are required and accepted at various institutions in Poland and abroad (courts, offices, embassies, consulates, banks, universities, schools, etc.). They are often summoned by courts, officials and notaries to participate in official activities, such as hearings, procedures or notarial deeds, if persons involved do not speak Polish. Presence of a certified translator is often required even if a person involved in the proceedings speaks Polish as a foreign language.
For many years we have provided numerous translations for courts, prosecutors’ offices and law firms. We translate extensive files in complex proceedings conducted in international cooperation of official bodies, documentation required for the proceedings, etc. We are trusted because of our professionalism, flexible deadlines and timely completion.

Certified translations are governed by a number of legal regulations, strictly defining the rules applicable to them. The price is calculated based on the so-called standard translation page. Please have in mind that a standard translation page is not a printed page! Printed pages may contain very different volumes of text, depending on the font type and size, margins or line spaces. Therefore, to have a fair basis for quoting, the customer pays not for a printed page, but for a standard page including a given numbers of characters (spaces included). The so-called standard translation page for certified translations contains 1125 characters, spaces included. Thus, the price is calculated only on the basis of the number of characters in the translated text and not on the basis of page format or layout. Usually, the number of standard translation pages in the document to be translated is estimated with a certain margin. The certified translator is legally obliged to describe in his/her translation all graphic elements in the source document, such as stamps, signatures, hand-made comments, illegible pieces etc. These descriptions generate extra number of characters in the translated text. According to Polish law, the certified translator is legally obliged to indicate in his/her translation whether the translation was done basing on the original source document or a scan or copy. The certified translation can be used before any authorities and is legally valid only with the stamp and signature of the translator. Therefore, the customer pays for the actual number of characters in the translated document and the attestation of the certified translator.